Great Island of Zarasas Lake
Great Island of Zarasas Lake
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8 opiniones
Muy bueno
Bradford, UK81 aportes
jul de 2024 • Familia
Here is the Summer 2024 update of my original review. The island, lake and Zarasai generally remain a great place to visit particularly in Summer when there are events and festivals on. The area gets very busy in festival/ event periods and the danger of over commercialisation which has spoiled many attractions around the world (and has recently seen protests by locals in places like Spain hot spots) is creeping ever closer. Sadly the problem of anti-social behaviour around the lake car park involving cars and playing of loud music, in the late evenings hasn't been dealt with and continues to blight this otherwise very pleasant town.
Escrita el 18 de agosto de 2024
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
Bradford, UK81 aportes
abr de 2024 • Pareja
It is now 7 years since I wrote my original review but all that time later and every word - good and bad - remains justified in my opinion. The island is a genuinely beautiful, well maintained, and peaceful (apart from during festival periods) place. Sadly the car park at the entrance remains a huge problem at night with the anti-social behaviour still continuing and, if anything, getting worse. There is absolutely no action by the authorities despite numerous complaints being made by numerous people at numerous times.
I cannot understand how a town that is clearly so proud of its image as a beautiful place in a beautiful country can continue to allow such a situation to prevail. It will continue to drive visitors away and the investment made will be wasted money. In truth, much as I would like to do so, I cannot recommend this place to friends who might want to visit from the UK because of the behaviour issues commented on above.
Original 2017 review is below
The island itself has received massive investment in recent years and is a superb place for families. It's often used for festivals as well.
There is a beach and a pier that you can jump or dive from. The lakewater is clean and ideal for swimming or just messing around in the water. There is more secluded bathing spot at the far end of the island.
The island offers great views over the town in one direction and the local scenery in all others. The road through the island is closed to unauthorized traffic so you can walk or cycle in peace.
The downside is that the large car park at the entrance is a nightmare at night. In Summe it seems that every night there is someone doing handbrake turns of just driving at excessive speed often into the small hours. Groups congregating around cars and shouting loudly or playing loud music are also a problem in the wee small hours. During the day when not needed there are frequent drive through by the local night they vanish as if by magic.
Fix the nighttime issue and Zarasai has a magnificent magnet to draw money into the town. Don't fix it and the town risks having a costly white elephant.
I cannot understand how a town that is clearly so proud of its image as a beautiful place in a beautiful country can continue to allow such a situation to prevail. It will continue to drive visitors away and the investment made will be wasted money. In truth, much as I would like to do so, I cannot recommend this place to friends who might want to visit from the UK because of the behaviour issues commented on above.
Original 2017 review is below
The island itself has received massive investment in recent years and is a superb place for families. It's often used for festivals as well.
There is a beach and a pier that you can jump or dive from. The lakewater is clean and ideal for swimming or just messing around in the water. There is more secluded bathing spot at the far end of the island.
The island offers great views over the town in one direction and the local scenery in all others. The road through the island is closed to unauthorized traffic so you can walk or cycle in peace.
The downside is that the large car park at the entrance is a nightmare at night. In Summe it seems that every night there is someone doing handbrake turns of just driving at excessive speed often into the small hours. Groups congregating around cars and shouting loudly or playing loud music are also a problem in the wee small hours. During the day when not needed there are frequent drive through by the local night they vanish as if by magic.
Fix the nighttime issue and Zarasai has a magnificent magnet to draw money into the town. Don't fix it and the town risks having a costly white elephant.
Escrita el 5 de abril de 2024
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
Andrius Z
Vilna, Lituania35 aportes
oct de 2021 • Solitario
Good for walking, nice beach, watersports station, seasonal cafe, WC, many places for sitting and relaxing with views to the lake.
Escrita el 25 de octubre de 2021
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
1 aporte
ago de 2019
Маленький но очень приятный город, чисто ,на озере много развлечений хороший проиграл вдоль озера.Один маленький минус мало мест где можно покушать.
Escrita el 21 de agosto de 2019
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
Halland, Suecia1.303 aportes
jul de 2019 • Familia
Dagtid så är det full fart i vattenparken. När kvällen kommer ska man mötas upp med mygg och bromsar och ta en promenad runt ön. Ni får en jättefin vy över själva staden och dess stora vita kyrka.
Escrita el 28 de julio de 2019
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
Kinver, UK34 aportes
ago de 2018 • Pareja
Lovely views over the lake and of the town. Worth walking around for a while. Was quite peaceful away from the beach area. Lake looks nice for swimming and the beach area is good in the sunshine.
Escrita el 26 de agosto de 2018
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
Bradford, UK81 aportes
ago de 2017 • Familia
The island itself has received massive investment in recent years and is a superb place for families. It's often used for festivals as well.
There is a beach and a pier that you can jump or dive from. The lakewater is clean and ideal for swimming or just messing around in the water. There is more secluded bathing spot at the far end of the island.
The island offers great views over the town in one direction and the local scenery in all others. The road through the island is closed to unauthorized traffic so you can walk or cycle in peace.
The downside is that the large car park at the entrance is a nightmare at night. In Summe it seems that every night there is someone doing handbrake turns of just driving at excessive speed often into the small hours. Groups congregating around cars and shouting loudly or playing loud music are also a problem in the wee small hours. During the day when not needed there are frequent drive through by the local night they vanish as if by magic.
Fix the nighttime issue and Zarasai has a magnificent magnet to draw money into the town. Don't fix it and the town risks having a costly white elephant.
There is a beach and a pier that you can jump or dive from. The lakewater is clean and ideal for swimming or just messing around in the water. There is more secluded bathing spot at the far end of the island.
The island offers great views over the town in one direction and the local scenery in all others. The road through the island is closed to unauthorized traffic so you can walk or cycle in peace.
The downside is that the large car park at the entrance is a nightmare at night. In Summe it seems that every night there is someone doing handbrake turns of just driving at excessive speed often into the small hours. Groups congregating around cars and shouting loudly or playing loud music are also a problem in the wee small hours. During the day when not needed there are frequent drive through by the local night they vanish as if by magic.
Fix the nighttime issue and Zarasai has a magnificent magnet to draw money into the town. Don't fix it and the town risks having a costly white elephant.
Escrita el 9 de agosto de 2017
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
Andrey K
San Petersburgo, Rusia234 aportes
ago de 2016 • Familia
наиболее романтично переплыть на остров на лодке и погулять по берегу, посмотреть археологические раскопки и просто отдохнуть на зеленой траве. По праздникам тут организуется большое действо и гремит музыка под сполохи прожекторов.
Escrita el 5 de abril de 2017
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
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