St. Basil ( Hallac) Monastery

St. Basil ( Hallac) Monastery

St. Basil ( Hallac) Monastery
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4,0 de 5 burbujas1 opinión
Muy bueno

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Marco T
Florencia, Italia1.964 aportes
4,0 de 5 burbujas
ago de 2023 • Pareja
Let's start by denying the inaccurate news: it is not at all true that this monastery is signposted after 1.6 km. from Urgup on the state road that leads to Ortahisar. There is no sign of any reports: I went up and down four times and I can vouch for it. To find a microscopic one, in yellow, with the writing "Monastir hospital", you have to be lucky enough to come across it somewhere in the center of the town. Then, following the indicated road, you will find another equally small one that leads to a country road (but paved). Walking along it, you arrive at this rock formation and, thanks to a small path, you can visit some rooms; but getting to the most beautiful part, which can be seen in photos on the internet, is an undertaking for trekking lovers, which we had to give up. But be careful: you can have a similar experience in full by following another sign - this one exists - on the Urgup-Ortahisar state road, located on the other side a little further away coming from Urgup, which indicates "Anyali kilise ". Follow it and after a few hundred meters there is the aforementioned church, easily explored thanks to the guardian who, by making you pay the reasonable amount of the entrance ticket, will provide you with a flashlight with which to illuminate the interiors, located on two floors. No frescoes, but a beautiful experience of a thousand-year-old rock church.
Escrita el 1 de agosto de 2023
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ST. BASIL ( HALLAC) MONASTERY - Qué SABER antes de ir (2025)

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