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Spent a very nice weekend in Maine with friends. We were looking for an affordable and well located hotel/motel and found the Maine Motel. Would definitely return. Very clean room with comfortable bed. The owner Jay was very pleasant and accommodating. If you're looking for someplace to stay relatively close to downtown Portland, consider the Maine Motel.
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Fecha de la estadía: agosto de 2018Tipo de viaje: Viajé con amigos
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
Absolutely wonderful. Owners are very helpful and accommodating. Nice and quiet. If I go back to Maine, I will definitely book a room here. WiFi came in perfect. Television was working great. Do wish they had something to tell you what the stations were and the channel that went with them. The maintenance man and his wife were fantastic. Couldn't have asked for better neighbors. Overall I was quite impressed with everything here. Nice and clean. Inside and outside. Usually stay at the Anchor Motel down the road but, he had the larger room rented out on a semi permanent basis and the other rooms were too small for me. I love the Anchor Motel but I'll be staying at the Maine Motel from now on. My experience at the Maine Motel actually had me wanting to stay longer.
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Fecha de la estadía: julio de 2018
Tipo de viaje: Viajé solo
Consejo sobre las habitaciones:I like the bigger rooms to the left of the main office.
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
Hay más lugares entre los que podés elegir en la zona de South Portland.
$ 102.213 - $ 102.213 (Basado en tarifas promedio para una habitación estándar)
Estados UnidosMaineSouth Portland
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