Krys-ed Cottage Park

Krys-ed Cottage Park

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N.º 4 de 4 campamentos en Port Elgin
5,0 de 5 burbujas
5,0 de 5 burbujas
5,0 de 5 burbujas
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320 Green Street, Port Elgin, Ontario N0H 2C0 Canadá
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Puntaje: 39 de 100
Aeropuerto Internacional Toronto Pearson
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Kieran Heaney escribió una opinión en jul 2019
5,0 de 5 burbujas
had a wonderful experience at these cottages they were not anything special (but that's what i picture a cottage to be) but at a cheap price and close to the water cabins i would extremely recommend Krys-ed. Also the owner mark made it his priority that our stay was satisfied!!!
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Fecha de la estadía: julio de 2019
5,0 de 5 burbujasHabitaciones
5,0 de 5 burbujasServicio
5,0 de 5 burbujasSueño
Tipo de viaje: Viajé con familia
Consejo sobre las habitaciones: the cabin feel
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
Jennifer B escribió una opinión en ago 2017
Hamilton, Canadá
1,0 de 5 burbujas
We have stayed in several places in Port Elgin and this was by but far the worst. We stayed in a 3 bedroom cottage. Lots of space but unclean and very very old. The cabins need to be torn down and the cottages completely renovated. There was dust caked onto the pots and pans, and crumbs in the cupboards and drawers. The refrigerator smelled like something had died in it, and the freezer did not work. We found a dirty diaper under the bed. No WiFi and the satellite TV didn't get any channels. The entire cottage smelled musty. The owners are nice people but they need to invest more time and money into maintaining this cottage park. The rental fee is low for a reason. Think twice about staying here unless all you need is a roof over your head.
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Fecha de la estadía: julio de 2017Tipo de viaje: Viajé con familia
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
Respuesta de Mark Galaszkiewicz, Owner de Krys-ed Cottage Park
Respondida el 22 de jun de 2023
I'm sorry to hear you did not enjoy your stay. We immediately try to resolve issues when they are reported to us. We never had a report of a diaper found under a bed, obviously we would be horrified that a previous guest would do such a thing and we would have tried to accommodate you by offering another unit. If a bad sat receiver was reported, we have a spare and would have replaced it immediately. The cabins you did not stay in don't deserve to be rated here as you did not stay in one and don't know how they are like inside, and I doubt you are qualified to judge whether they should be torn down without that knowledge. I see you have rated many cottages in the area and have a social media presence and reputation of being critical, and your intent was to rate and not necessarily enjoy your stay. We have a small community of customers that return every year, most of which know each other and plan to come together and they do enjoy their vacation with us. We welcome anyone who is willing to tour our facilities, judge them for where they are, and realize the value for the price. Good luck with your hobby.
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KRYS-ED COTTAGE PARK (Port Elgin, Canadá) - Opiniones y comentarios - Campamento - Tripadvisor

Preguntas frecuentes sobre Krys-ed Cottage Park
¿Qué atracciones populares están cerca de Krys-ed Cottage Park?
Algunas atracciones cercanas son Port Elgin Main Beach (0,8 km), Saugeen Rail Trail (1,1 km) y Millcreek Chocolates (0,8 km).
¿Qué restaurantes hay cerca de Krys-ed Cottage Park?
Algunos restaurantes bien ubicados son Saffron, Allan's Fireside Grill y Rabbit Dash Coffee House.
¿Está Krys-ed Cottage Park ubicado cerca del centro de la ciudad?
Sí, está a 0,8 km del centro de Port Elgin.
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